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Merdekahkah Kita??

Thursday, August 27, 2009 - - 0 Comments

Merdekahkah Kita??

haha..bersua lg kite kat ruang komen mengomen..bersama dJ yang
oPss..silap cHanel plak..gua igt cHaneL x-pAx x,ad bile xde krdit..da ilang 'x'..wakaka..gua lyan tige2..sentiasa bErrsaaamaaamuuuu..rentak hidup mobiliti..sbab tu gua always xde krdt nk msj2 ngan korg..n gua xde niat nk kutuk chanel x k..
b4 gua mkin ngomel yg bukan2..meh cnie gua bgtau nape tetibe guanyer komen ad kt sini..
actually ari2(mase gua bukak frenster gua)..gua terpandang tarikh 31 u all know..we already have our independent day 4 about 52 years!!!..horeeyy..MERDEKA!!(1000x)..
bUt..did u all 'merdeka'???..(perghh..gua pandai speaking sey..)
korg cube tgok kt paper..ape yg ade..kes rogol..kes bunuh..kes culik..mcm2 kes yg wt ramai takut kuar umh..ape kes!!!..korg amik tau x?.pe yg korg tau..bukak paper..chek intisari rancangan..komik..carta lgu stiap ari ahad..sukan malaysia asik kalah..huhuhu..sedeynye..
pe?korg xde duit beli paper..xpe2..cube korg tgok brite kt tv..rakyat miskin..siswazah ngangur..harge barg nik..jgn plak ad tv korg tgk sinetron indon,akasia,melodi,i2 yg xde astro..yg ad astro..mcm2 ad!!
still xmmpu untuk ad tv..dun wory..korg g r kije..carik duit..bile da ad duit..korg beli r nk pasang astro pun boleh..but..jgan juz angat2 taik ayam..buktikan yg korg boleh..(malaysia boleh!!..)
let make our parents,our fren,our sibling,our neighbour,our nation,our country proud to have 'we' in this one and only world that have life..
why 'we'?..becoz..there have many 'i' in 'we' right?together we r strong!!but..alone??we r only a symphatetic LOSER!!! join me..together we stand up and make them proud with us..with what??with..
our spirit..our believe..our teamwork..our kindness..
1 4 all and all 4 1..happy independent day for the 52 years..

from where i stand,i PROUD TO BE MALAYSIAN...
(don't just say it,make it come true..)
p/s:kengkwn..klo trase jgan amik ati ea..gua pn cm lu gak..but..sampai bile??if merdeka yang ke-100,ke-1000 pn,klo kte still xbrubah..ntah r..gua rase..kite merdeka juz pd name kot??..and soalan yang gua mampu tanye kat diri gua yang kicik ni ialah.."merdekakakah kita..?"

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